Setting the tone for a date has much to do with the preparation that goes into presentation. In other words, packaging becomes important. In the bustle of today's schedules and commitments, getting that alone time with my guy is less frequent than I'd otherwise like, making it important that I show him how much I appreciate him and our special time together. In this vein, I make a concerted effort to give him the girl he fell in love with, the woman of his dreams. I love it when I walk into the room in an outfit chosen especially to wow him...and his response is one of pride and appreciation. Putting time into my appearance tells Gary that I think he is special, that our time together is special. Small gestures such as this underscores in his mind the fact that with me, he's been blessed. Sexy is one adjective I aim for on my date nights with...him. Dress: High; Shoes: Gianmarco Lorenzi; Bag: LULU GUINNESS; Diamond Tennis Bracelet