Peter Cetera Concert
Ever stumble upon a really cool clothing item but backed away from purchase because of doubts about how or what to wear it with? This jacket presented one such challenge. Arguably it has become one of my best 2013 purchases. The good thing about risky purchases? In today's chain-infested fashion-mall-world, when risks work they pay big in style-point dividends bringing a uniqueness that is always plus. A rich blend of several textures and textiles, the jacket pictured is definitely the star. Neutral tones of the hat, trousers, and shoes keep the jacket front and center. Bold lips, cold fabrics, and hard lines are softened by adding circles (collar neckwear) and a soft girly-peach circular fur bag. The next time you find yourself thinking twice about a purchase bear in mind the item caught your eye for a reason. Trust your judgment and take the plunge. Most likely you will be glad you did. Jacket: Agatha Blois; Pants: DSquared; Hat: Something Special; Bag: Cynthia Rowley; Necklace Collar: Dolce and Gabbana; Shoes: Givenchy